zaterdag 8 november 2014


Hi guys!

In the previous post I told u that I'm about to post 4 outfits in the next 4 blogposts! BIJ ONS VINTAGE. This is outfit number one!!!

Its a vintage chique winter look. I'm wearing a vintage furrcoat almost like the same color as my hair, what I thought was really cool.
The neon red shirt makes  the top pop and breaks the soft color of the coat. Black skinny jeans and chique black leather shoes underneath to make the outfit a chique vintage look, This a perfect outfit for a chique event or for a cold winter day. The big black leather bag is made of a good quality.

All these items except for the black skinny jeans are from the store BIJ ONS VI NTAGE.

Check the FB for my page, share and like!!
You can also follow me on IG @themermale for updates and other pictures!

Have a great weekend!


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