maandag 27 juni 2016

Real men wear pink

Hi Folks

Baby pink is one of my fave colors! A lot of people still associate pink with something girly something sweet. Yes it is a sweet soft color, girly... uhm not so much in my opinion. It makes a different from who's wearing it and how do u wear/style the pink clothes. You know what they say at Rupauls dragrace.. sell the garment!!! And for the folks that don't watch Rupauls Dragrace, it means style it, work it and own it!
It has something to do with when people gave birth. When it's a boy it has to be a blue beanie and when it's a girl it has to be pink sweater. It's very easy for others to see what gender u gave birth to because almost all the baby's look like eachother(genderwise). We are all born androgynous what sounds really funny to me, aspecially when you are born in a society where men has to masculine and woman has to be feminine XD.

For this sporty outfit I wanted to show the new baby pink 69 cap from the Vintage shop The Cobrasnake with super epic and unique clothes. I wrote an article about them a while ago that's called '90 neon ravebea'. For the onces that didn't see that post check it out!(#alienraverealness). The shirt and the baby pink studded choker is from the online webshop Shopjeen. They were offline for a while but there back in bussiness and selling mostly their own label Netgear90. It's a social media inspired collection made by the owners from Shopjeen! The joggingpants and sneakers are from Adidas.

Subscribe what u think of the look and follow me on IG:@themermale for updates and more pictures.

The Mermale