woensdag 23 november 2016

AHS:Freakshow Dandy

 Hello Folks,

For this blogpost I wanted to show another circuslook! I'm latley rewatching a TV-show called American Horror Story: Freakshow (season 4). I'm totally obsessed by the cast with Angela Delange , Peter Evans, Sarah Paulson & Emma Roberts. I'm adored by that season because of the mystery of the circus/freakshow, the colors, horror, the entertainment, the freaks and the tragics that comes with it. The misfits back in days (near 1950's) mostly with a physical handicap or people with other extraordinary diseases and conditions were putting aside and discriminated by society. Those people would end up in freakshows. 

This look was inspirated by Dandy. Dandy Mott is one of the characters of that season. He is a spoiled rich boy who wants to join the freakshow. He's loud, childish, crazy and is tired of his rich lonely life. He's and Elsa are the fave characters of that series. Go watch it yourself if you aren't already a fan of American Horror Story!

Funfact: A Dandy is a man who's spending a lot of time in his life being busy with his physical appereance, garderobe and often strove to imitate an aristocratic lifestyle despite coming from a middle-class background. Sounds like a natural misfit LOL. 

The clothes I'm wearing are all vintage clothes, found at different vintage shops in R'dam, A'dam and Utrecht.

Find me on snap & IG @themermale for more pictures! And don't forget to subscribe!

The Mermale

woensdag 2 november 2016

Shorts for fall?

Hello Folks

Fall is back! So for the dutch translations.. the weather is not a T-shirt/shorts kind of weather... This outfit is a late summer outfit we shot at one of the last sunny summer days. 
Leather jackets, denim shorts and biker boots for fall! Who's in!? Kiddin it's too damn cold for that in Holland :(. This is more something that I would wear in summer, but the boots and jacket are definitely items for the fall! 

This top I found at H&M it's one of my favorite tops. I have always loved Jurassic Park. When the movie came out I was like 1, but watched it for the first time when I was like 7 and because I'm a 90s baby, for me this is youth sentiment. The denim hotpants is from one of my favorite labels WranglerThe Boot are also from Wrangler! I always thought that Wrangler only did denim jeans, so that was a little bit of a suprise for me when I found out. I found the shorts in the same vintage store as these biker boots and leather jacket. The shop is called the EpisodeIf you love vintage stuff as much as I do, you have to visit one of their shops! They have like five shops in Amsterdam, one in Haarlem, Utrecht & Den Haag! I saw on their site they also have shops now in Brussels, Antwerp, Copenhagen and Paris!

Subscribe what you think of this look. Do you think it's a GO or a NO GO for fall!? 
Check the pictures below and let me know!
