woensdag 8 juli 2015


Goodday Folks!

For this blogpost I wanted to share with you a super cool top I found at Monki. Yes the woman clothing label!;) It's a hologram see through T-shirt. It's 100% polyester with glitters in the fabric. Not quite a daily wear but great for the partyscene. I'm always trying to translate edgy clothes/items/trends to the streets en trying to combine things to make it more wearable for the daily base. This style is something I see more often on other social media platforms and its called HOLOPUNK. It's all about the colors, brightness, chokers, leather with punk influences from the late 80's and the 90's. #clubkid #90s #punk #holopunk

The hologram shirt is from Monki like a said above, the white cotton pants is from H&M, the shoes are from YRU and the cap is from H&M also.  the choker is from the webshop Shopjeen. They have the most rad stuff check there instagram(:@shopjeen) page and webshop(:http://www.shopjeen.com/).

Follow me on my Instagram @themermale for more pictures and inspirations.

Have a great day!

The Mermale